Young people markung up a plan during community engagement


In the UK there is a rich tradition of charity, mutual help and volunteering that contribute to the sense of community and is the foundation of civil society.

At LArch, we believe that civil society has local knowledge and real insight into what works and what doesn’t in the local community and we are here to contribute our technical know-how and expertise.

Working with Local Community

I got first involved in community-led projects back in Poland over a decade ago. Back then, I joined a group of architects, students and activists to facilitate grass-root interventions in the public realm. Fast forward and working with the local community around Worthing is a large part of my landscape-led lifestyle.

I am one of the Friends of Denton Gardens in Worthing, where I used to live, involved in the enhancement and maintenance of the Gardens. Now, a happy resident of the lovely village of East Preston, I am part of the Environmental Initiatives Working Party and I also contribute to the fantastic work of the Disability Action Group.

If you have a community-led project but you don’t have the technical means to put it in motion or you want to see some ideas then I am just a message away.

LArch founder during urban design workshop with local community